Vendor Resource Page
Below you will find all that you need to know to become a vendor at the Norland Farmers Market. Please familiarize yourself with the information provided below. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
Vendor Info
Vendors must be approved by the Market Steering Committee. Applications are available from a Committee member or HERE. Once a vendor is approved, they must agree to:
● Abide by the responsibilities, regulations and expectations outlined in this document
● Pay their market fees, in full and on time. A breach of the responsibilities and regulations shall be grounds for no longer being allowed to participate.
2023 Market Fees- Single 10’x10′ stall
- Full Season (21 Markets) – $15/market
- Any 10 markets – $20/market
- Hydro Add $5/market
2023 Market Fees- Single 10’x10′ stall
- Full Season (21 Markets) – $20/market
- Any 10 markets – $25/market
- Hydro Add $5/market
Market Pricing Rebates
Attendance Rebate – If your booth is open for every market date you paid for, we will rebate 50% of your registration fee at the end of the market season! (Minimum 10 markets)
Find-A-Farmer Rebate – If you refer a farmer/producer to the Norland Farmers’ Market, and they become a vendor whose booth is open for every market they paid for, you will get a rebate equivalent to four free markets!
The rebate will be paid at the end of the market season. The referred farmer/producer must attend 10 or more markets.
Other Useful Information
Vendor Distribution
The percentage of primary producers/growers shall be no less than 51% to qualify NFM@WMP as a true Farmers’ Market. We will be aiming for 70% producer/growers to allow for a safety margin. Priority will be given to primary producers/growers to maintain that percentage.
Code of Conduct
Respectful Behaviour: All vendors must be respectful at all times to all fellow vendors, Steering Committee members, market staff, market volunteers, market patrons, and all other concurrent users of the Ward Memorial Park.
Professionalism: Sales must be conducted in an orderly and business-like way which will not include shouting, calling out to passing patrons, or other objectionable means of soliciting trade.
Compliance: Vendors shall comply with the Market Responsibilities and Regulations, Code of Conduct and all Municipal, Provincial and Federal regulations regarding labeling, measuring, health and safety regulations, and tax collection. If asked to do so, NFM@WMP will provide vendor contact information to relevant regulatory bodies.
No Alcoholic Beverages: No alcoholic beverages are permitted at the market with the exception of VQA wine samples provided by approved Vendors.
The Market Manager will be responsible for managing stall locations on Market Day. Decisions made on Market Day by the Market Manager are final. Disputes will be managed away from patrons and through the Vendor Concerns and Grievances process outlined in this document.
● Fees: Fees are per single stall of approximately 10’x10’and shall include space behind the stall for a vehicle or extra storage. Standard fees do not include electricity.
● Long-Term Stalls: Full season spaces will be assigned by the Market Committee at the beginning of the season, taking into account the arrangement of vendor types and the market’s opportunity for effective, abundant and colourful display.
● Variation: While we recognize that it is important for vendors to remain in the same location from week to week, some adjustments to site layout may be required based on vendor absenteeism or other factors. Every effort will be made to keep a vendor close to their original location to minimize disruption to customers.
● Occasional Stalls: Occasional or one-off vendors will be allotted a space on Market Day.
● Not Transferable: Vendors may not sell, sublet or rent market space to other vendors.
● Set-Up: Stalls shall be available 60 mins before the start of market and the vendors’ stalls must be set up and ready to open for business by opening time. No vehicle movement in the market area will be permitted between 15 mins before start and 15 mins after the end of the market.
● Appearance: Stalls should have an attractive and professional appearance, enhanced by good presentation and cleanliness. Storage and equipment shall be confined to one’s market space and the assigned parking area behind it.
● Signage: Each Vendor must display a sign in their booth indicating their name and address.
● Duration: Vendors must keep their booth open for the entire Market Day and not begin tear-down before designated closing time.
● Tear-Down: Tear-down can begin at 7:00 p.m. All products and refuse must be removed.
Food Safety
Every person handling food products must maintain a very high standard of personal hygiene and cleanliness. All Vendors and staff must practice these standards to prevent the transfer of pathogens between Vendors/staff and foods. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
● Protect all foods contamination prior to arrival at the market and during the market
● Pre-package all baked and processed foods at point of production or contain in a display case to protect from airborne and human contamination.
● Wear clean clothing, wash hands often, be free from infectious disease, NOT smoke, and avoid touching nose, mouth, hair, and skin.
● Wash hands thoroughly with warm water and soap after visiting the washroom.
● Use single use containers and wrappings only.
● Do not allow any unauthorized persons access to where food is being prepared.
● Use racks, shelves, or tables for food display that raise all food at least 15 cm (6 in) off the floor/ground.
● Use new jars (not re-used) and vacuum lids for all canned products.
● Do not store personal effects near food products.
Sampling & Condiments
- Do not allow customers to get hands near samples to be eaten by other customers
● Prepare individual samples that cannot be handled by more than one person
● Provide toothpicks or small paper containers or pass out each sample.
● Provide tongs, forks or spoons for each type of condiment being offered
● Do not allow customer hands in bowls containing samples
● Clean up the serving area often, being especially careful to pick up food scraps that fall onto the ground.
● Monitor children very closely near sampling areas
● Post signage with alerts for any possible allergens such as nuts, soy, gluten, etc.
Pricing Your Products
● Display prices prominently and clearly on all items.
● Do not undercut. Vendors must not practice distress pricing by undercutting other Vendors or dumping products at bargain or sale price.
● Use volume buying sales incentives, if desired, such as “$2 each – 3 for $5”
● Do not use incentives that present a “flea market” brand for our market, such as “Year-end Sale”, “Buy Two Get One Free” or “discount”.
● Collect and report all applicable taxes.
Vendor Grievances
Do not discuss Market business or issues in front of patrons
● Consult the Market Manager or designate if a problem arises needing immediate action.
o The Market Manager or designate will attempt to resolve the situation. If the situation cannot be resolved in the moment by the Market Manager or designate, all discussion on the matter will cease for the duration of the day’s Market.
o Submit a letter or email detailing the concern to the Market Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will then consider this information as soon as possible and has the authority to make the final decision on the outcome of the grievance and the penalties for non-compliance.
● Remain courteous and professional in front of all fellow vendors, Steering Committee members, Market staff, Market volunteers, Market patrons, and other users of the Park.
Market Manager
The Role of the Market Manager
One or more Market Managers will be assigned each Market Day. Market Managers will supervise the day-to-day operation of the Market. In addition to being a liaison between Vendors, patrons and the Steering Committee, the Market Manager has the authority to apply the responsibilities and regulations, as detailed herein, and to apply any other guidelines in place at the time, such as COVID-19 Guidelines.
Regulation Enforcement
Verification: The Steering Committee reserves the right to verify any information provided in the vendor application at any time. This includes visiting farmer/producer locations described within vendor applications.
Written Warning: The Market Manager will issue a written warning to a vendor when a violation of the responsibilities and regulations occurs and will report these violations to the Market Steering Committee promptly.
Communication: The Steering Committee will follow up with the vendor prior to the next Market day and communicate to the vendor what actions need to be taken to meet current guidelines.
Monitor: If a Vendor who has been warned and contacted by the Steering Committee does not make corrective actions, and/or continues to not follow the Market’s responsibilities and regulations at the following Market Day, the Market Manager will ask the Steering Committee for the temporary or permanent removal of this Vendor from the Market.
Removal: A decision to remove a Vendor will be communicated with the Vendor either by phone and email or letter prior to the next Market Day. Pre-paid monies for future Market days will not be reimbursed. If a Vendor has been removed permanently, they are no longer allowed to return to the Market as a customer or vendor, unless the Market Committee agrees to lift their ban.
Removal of Persons
The Market Manager has the authority, with cause, to request any vendor or other person to leave the Market operating area and, if necessary, to call the police for assistance. Cause for removal includes
● acts of harassment towards other Vendors or Market patrons
● refusal to follow Market responsibilities that have been laid out in this document
● refusal to follow guidelines in place temporarily (i.e., Covid responsibilities)
● refusal to follow proper public health guidelines, and any other guidelines of the day
● dangerous, disruptive, or threatening behaviour towards anyone present in the Park
Weather Cancellations
Cancellation Due To Weather
This is an outdoor market that will continue to run under light rain events.
This year we are able to move inside to the Community Centre if the weather is not cooperating.