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Our signs need to be placed carefully and safely every Friday afternoon and then collected up as the market closes. Good sign
placement means our farmers get lots of customers and our market thrives. Poor sign placement means our local farmers will
not have as many customers as they need. So, these tasks are vital to the success of our market.

This volunteer position involves the following tasks:

  • Loading the signs from the Norland Rec Centre into your vehicle at 2:00 p.m. every Friday
  • Driving to approximately 10 designated roadside sign areas to put the signs up before 3:00 p.m.
  • Making sure the signs are correctly placed, weighted, and visible to traffic
    • Not getting hit by cars while doing this
  • Collecting the signs from the roadside, beginning at roughly 6:40 p.m.
    • Not getting hit by cars while doing this
  • Loading the signs into the Norland Rec Centre once they are collected
  • Handling the signs with care so they are not damaged
  • Reporting any damage to signs to the Norland Farmers’ Market Committee

A $75 weekly stipend is available to the successful volunteer applicant. Please click on the link below to fill out the Sign Volunteer Application to be considered for this role.

Thank you!!